Iseng-iseng klik nyari novel baru. Eh, ketemu. Di situs Gramedia Pustaka Utama ada novel baru karya Suzanne Enoch berjudul Sang Marquis Perayu. Seperti biasa, saya search downloadan gratis novel ini. He he dapat deh beberapa link downloadan gratis novel-novel karya Suzanne Enoch.
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Semoga ketika anda mengklik link di atas, linknya belum didelete. So. Semoga Beruntung.
Download Novel Gratis
Sabtu, 09 Februari 2013
Selasa, 22 Januari 2013
Mary Balogh
Di bawah ini link-link untuk download novel gratis karya Mary Balogh (dalam B. Inggris). Mudah-mudahan ketika anda membukanya, filenya belum di delete. So. Good Luck.
- Beyond The Sunrise
- Tangled
- A Promise of Spring (The Temporary Wife)
- Seri Survivor's Club :
- Huxtable
- Bedwyn Family
- One Night for Love
- A Summer to Remember
- Slightly Married
- Slightly Wicked
- Slightly Scandalous
- Slightly Tempted
- Slightly Sinful
- Slightly Dangerous
- A Matter of Class
- Web
- The Secret Pearl
Kamis, 20 September 2012
Lorraine Heath
Karena belakangan ini banyak link download yang didelete. Dan kebetulan saya sekarang lagi ngga mood. makanya saya untuk saat ini langsung saranin link untuk download gratis novel-novel Lorraine Heath. Kalau mau tahu sinopsisnya link aja ke
Download novel seri lost lord :
Download novel-novel Lorraine Heath
Download novel seri Scoundrels of St. James ke-1
Download novel Sweet Lullaby
Download novel Texas Glory
Download novel Texas Splendor
Mudah-mudahan link download di atas belum didelete. Good Luck.
Update tanggal 20 Jan 13
Download novel seri lost lord :
Download novel-novel Lorraine Heath
Download novel seri Scoundrels of St. James ke-1
Download novel Sweet Lullaby
Download novel Texas Glory
Download novel Texas Splendor
Mudah-mudahan link download di atas belum didelete. Good Luck.
Update tanggal 20 Jan 13
Kamis, 15 Maret 2012
Karen Hawkins
Update tanggal 12 Maret 2013
Iseng-iseng lihat-lihat situs Ada barisan novel baru karya Karen Hawkins. Serial Maclean Curse. Setelah saya baca sinopsisnya, ternyata lumayan seru. Lalu seperi biasa, saya cari di internet link gratisannya. He he he, dapat deh, dan tidak cuman serial maclean tapi yang lainnya juga.
Nih link downloadnya. Mudah-mudahan pas anda klik, beleum didelete.
Download novel-novel Karen Hawkins
Maclean Curse
1. How to Abduct a Highland Lord (2007)
Download novel dalam B. Inggris
2. To Scotland, With Love (2007)
3. To Catch a Highlander (2008)
4. Sleepless in Scotland (2009)
5. The Laird Who Loved Me (2009)
6. Much Ado About Marriage (2010)
Just Ask Reeves
1. Her Master and Commander (2006)
2. Her Officer and Gentleman (2006)
Talisman Ring
1. An Affair to Remember (2002)
2. Confessions of a Scoundrel (2003)
3. How to Treat a Lady (2003)
4. And the Bride Wore Plaid (2004)
5. Lady In Red (2005)
Iseng-iseng lihat-lihat situs Ada barisan novel baru karya Karen Hawkins. Serial Maclean Curse. Setelah saya baca sinopsisnya, ternyata lumayan seru. Lalu seperi biasa, saya cari di internet link gratisannya. He he he, dapat deh, dan tidak cuman serial maclean tapi yang lainnya juga.
Nih link downloadnya. Mudah-mudahan pas anda klik, beleum didelete.
Download novel-novel Karen Hawkins
Maclean Curse
1. How to Abduct a Highland Lord (2007)
2. To Scotland, With Love (2007)
3. To Catch a Highlander (2008)
4. Sleepless in Scotland (2009)
5. The Laird Who Loved Me (2009)
6. Much Ado About Marriage (2010)
Just Ask Reeves
1. Her Master and Commander (2006)
2. Her Officer and Gentleman (2006)
Talisman Ring
1. An Affair to Remember (2002)
2. Confessions of a Scoundrel (2003)
3. How to Treat a Lady (2003)
4. And the Bride Wore Plaid (2004)
5. Lady In Red (2005)
Selasa, 14 Februari 2012
Susan Wiggs
Kemarin aku baru saja selesai membaca salah satu novel karya Susan Wiggs terbitan Dastan yaitu :
Texas Wildflower, mengisahkan tentang seorang pria Texas bernama Justin,
seorang agen pemerintah, dan isterinya Shiloh, seorang perempuan yang berambisi ingin jadi seorang detektif profesional. Ceritanya di daerah Texas pada abad pertengahan. Ceritanya agak mengecewakan karena cinta keduanya begitu rapuh dengan tokoh pria yang lebih mempercayai orang lain dan gampang terhasut.
Serial Calhoun Chronicle
Lord of the Night
Selamat Download.
Texas Wildflower, mengisahkan tentang seorang pria Texas bernama Justin,
Di bawah ini ada link download novel. Mudah-mudahan tidak diblokir.
Serial Chicago Fire Trilogy
- The Hostage
- The Mistress
- The Firebrand
Serial Calhoun Chronicle
- The Charm School
- The Horsemaster's Doughter
- Halfway to Heaven
- Enchanted Afternoon
- A Summer Affair
Lord of the Night
The Drifter
- Download novel dalam B. Inggris (epub file, dibukanya pake adobe digital edition)
Selamat Download.
Rabu, 08 Februari 2012
Carole Mortimer
Carole Mortimer lahir di sebuah desa kecil di England. Awalnya Carole ingin jadi seorang perawat, tapi gagal. Lalu, dia kerja di sebuah perusahaan. Selama kerja dia mencoba membuat sebuah novel, tapi ditolak. Manuscrif keduanya diterima dan dimulailah karirnya yang cemerlang di bidang ini. Sejak thun 1978, dalam waktu 20 tahun dia sudah membuat 100 novel. Carole tinggal di bagian paling indah di Britain dengan suami, keenam anaknya termasuk anak keenamnya yang lahir 22 tahun dari anak pertamanya.
Beberapa novel yang sudah diterjemahkan dalam B. Indonesia diantaranya :
Serial To Be Bachelor Brothers
Serial To Love Bachelor Sisters
Serial To Marry Bachelor Cousins
Their Engagement is Anoounced
Serial Tango : The Fiance Fix
Serial Do not Disturb :
An Enigmatic Man, nah yang ini kebetulan aku sudah membacanya, tapi menurutku ceritanya kurang menarik.
Serial Wedlocked! : Bride By Blackmail
Serial Notorious St. Claires
Red Rose for Love
Wildest Dream
Tempestuous Affair
Yesterday's Scars
Burning Obsession
Golden Fever
Diupdate tanggal 15 februari 2012
Selamat download.
Beberapa novel yang sudah diterjemahkan dalam B. Indonesia diantaranya :
Serial To Be Bachelor Brothers
Serial To Love Bachelor Sisters
Serial To Marry Bachelor Cousins
- To Marry McKenzy
- To Marry McCloud
- To Marry McAllister
Their Engagement is Anoounced
Serial Tango : The Fiance Fix
Serial Do not Disturb :
An Enigmatic Man, nah yang ini kebetulan aku sudah membacanya, tapi menurutku ceritanya kurang menarik.
Serial Wedlocked! : Bride By Blackmail
Serial Notorious St. Claires
- The Duke's Cinderella Bride
- The Rake's Wicked Proposal
- The Rogue's Disgraced Lady
- Lady Arabella's Scandalous Marriage
Red Rose for Love
Wildest Dream
Tempestuous Affair
Yesterday's Scars
Burning Obsession
Golden Fever
Diupdate tanggal 15 februari 2012
Selamat download.
Kamis, 02 Februari 2012
Catherine Anderson
About Catherine Anderson
Catherine Anderson lives with her husband and her Rottweilers, Sam and Sassy, who seem convinced they are teacup poodles and that obedience training is for people. The Andersons' mountaintop chalet is the perfect setting for a writer, for the view is a continuing source of inspiration. In her leisure, Catherine spends time with her friends, her sons and daughters-in-law, and travels to adventures all over the world.
New and Forthcoming Paperbacks
January 2012 : Lucky Penny
Comanche , serial ini udah diterjemahkan Dastan.
1. Comanche Moon (1991)
2. Comanche Heart (1991)
3. Indigo Blue (1992)
4. Comanche Magic (1994) , ini adalah novel terbaru Dastan (2 Februari 2012).
Catherine Anderson lives with her husband and her Rottweilers, Sam and Sassy, who seem convinced they are teacup poodles and that obedience training is for people. The Andersons' mountaintop chalet is the perfect setting for a writer, for the view is a continuing source of inspiration. In her leisure, Catherine spends time with her friends, her sons and daughters-in-law, and travels to adventures all over the world.
New and Forthcoming Paperbacks
January 2012 : Lucky Penny
Comanche , serial ini udah diterjemahkan Dastan.
1. Comanche Moon (1991)
2. Comanche Heart (1991)
3. Indigo Blue (1992)
4. Comanche Magic (1994) , ini adalah novel terbaru Dastan (2 Februari 2012).
- Sinopsis
Keegan-Paxton Family
1. Keegan's Lady (1996)
2. Summer Breeze (2006)
1. Baby Love (1999)
2. Phantom Waltz (2001)
3. Sweet Nothings (2002)
4. Blue Skies (2004)
5. Bright Eyes (2004)
6. My Sunshine (2005)
7. Sun Kissed (2007)
8. Morning Light (2008)
9. Star Bright (2009)
10. Early Dawn (2009)
Coming Up Roses (1970)
Reasonable Doubt (1988)
Without a Trace (1989)
Switchback (1990)
Cry of the Wild (1992)
Cheyenne Amber (1994)
Annie's Song (1996)
Simply Love (1997)
Cherish (1998)
Forever After (1998)
Trysting Tree (1998)
Seventh Heaven (2000)
Always in My Heart (2002)
Only by Your Touch (2002)
Here to Stay (2011)
Lucky Penny (2012)
Tall, Dark, and Dangerous (1994) (with Christina Dodd and Susan Sizemore)
Three Weddings and a Kiss (1995) (with Loretta Chase, Lisa Kleypas and Kathleen Woodiwiss)
The True Love Wedding Dress (2005) (with Connie Brockway, Casey Claybourne and Barbara Metzger)
With You Beside Me (2005)
Three Times a Bride (2010) (with Loretta Chase and Samantha James)
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